About Us
Pastor: Father Jegan Peter
Permanent Deacon: Dave Reising
Permanent Deacon: Tom Scarlett
St. Vincent Secretary: Elizabeth Cole
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 AM - 4 PM.
St. Vincent Bookkeeper: Stephanie Tincher​
Director of Religious Education: Kim Getman
St. Mary Secretary: Jacqueline Ripberger
Office Hours:
Sunday 9:30-11:30 AM
Monday 9-11 AM
Wednesday 2:15-5:15 PM
Thursday 9-11 AM
Friday 2:15-5:15 PM
St. Vincent School Principal: Teresa Underwood
CCLC Business Manager: Mark Coressel
CCLC Mission Statement
Believing that we are created by God the Father,
Redeemed by Jesus His Son,
Guided and renewed by the Holy Spirit,
We, the Catholic Community of Lawrence County,
Making use of our God-given talents, time, and treasure,
Strive to take an active role in our Church and our community,
Imitating the life of our patron Saint, by:
Worshipping God,
Teaching and sharing the Gospel,
Reaching out to those in need,
Living the life of our Savior.